Sunday, January 8, 2012

Questions on the World and Soul!


Without the dark one cannot see the power of the Light
Without violence one cannot know Peace is the answer
Without hate one cannot know Compassion
Without adversity one cannot learn Respect
Without power one cannot understand Surrender
Without greed one cannot learn generosity
Without possessions one learns freedom
Without Light there is no Love

The Birth of Spring

In a few days we move from the confines of winter’s hibernation into the spring’s potential birth. At least this is so in the northern hemisphere with the mirror reflection shining up from the southern hemisphere which prepares for fall harvest and later hibernation.
Being born in Australia, the southern hemisphere, my birthday is the week after this seasonal turn into autumn (fall), yet living for many years in America where this turn of seasons is the advent of new birth, I have often wondered how it has influenced my perceptions of life.  In order to find an answer I usually search deep underneath to find the light above!
Balance is so important, yet this can only really be found from knowing the extremes and then moving into center. As the words above reflect without one the other cannot be experienced, seen, honored or corrected.
To find the truth of what is on the surface it is necessary to delve into the depths and behind the scenes, into the unknown. Yet I am not telling you anything that has not been said before.
Reflect upon the words above. The actions and patterns within your life and world around you only need to shift the slightest fraction in order to manifest anew. The tiniest speck of light in darkness reveals much once eyes adjust to the light quotient. The darkness then becomes non-existent.
And the smallest adjustment in violence, hate, adversity, power, and greed is equally felt to change a paradigm.
Fear not the tiny speck for it is the collection of specks that ignite the universe. Birth in pure form! 
So much of my work with clients, writings and my own personal search of purpose lead back to the beginning, a place that is infinitely untouchable in this reality yet profoundly touchable deep within my core. All the edicts on DNA, RNA, protons, neutrons, and atomic particles are still within the physical domain. We must seek far beyond, is what I have been shown. Thus the question comes up: what comes first the Chicken or the Egg? To have a chicken it has to start with an egg. Then where did the egg originate from before it energized into the possibility of the physical!
Here I have included a short piece given to me on possibilities. This will be a continuing series of stories, ideas, perspectives and possibilities shown over the past several years. Each one will offer a glimpse into worlds not seen yet are so very real. It is not for me to say they are correct or otherwise. They offer you, the reader, an opportunity to form your own opinion and later knowing to aid your journey.  View this first one as a possible opening scene in a play.


Where Does The Knowing and Life Come From?

Preparing for the next incarnation!


The following images are created to provoke memory and ideas of the possible evolution of soul memory processes from our human perspective. This of course is the only perspective we can come from, at least until we are able to tap into the true higher divine realms of spiritual knowledge behind the ever thinning veils.
IMAGINE you have just walked into a huge library, perhaps reminiscent of the Library of Alexandria and your goal is to create a life experience for the next incarnation. Where to start? Is there a format? Do you want to live again?
You begin as formless swirling light vibrations that flow and dart unseen around the library. So many choices! (I feel this image is reminiscent of a snowball of millions of light vibration snowflakes, each snowflake holding its own memory of experience from some time so very long ago, while other combinations are of specific times in history moving towards this latest life experience. Different parents, people, thoughts, scenarios, emotions, challenges, genders, good and bad, peaceful and violent, rich and poor, and the list goes on and on, all culminating in the possible creation frequency for the upcoming incarnation. (This description also relates back to the beginning of Soul’s Evolution)
As the formless light vibration snowball moves around  the library, books randomly start falling off the shelves landing on the floor and opened to pages which reveal different colored and highlighted chapters, sentences and words, At first glance there seems to be no purpose or logic behind this experience, yet in time a grander picture begins to be revealed.
Swirling light vibration scenes emanate from the highlights. They begin in ancient times, before written memory where earthly words to describe them are present. What seem to be galaxies and stars spark knowledge while descending through time/space to an earthly realm.
Advanced beings of light and crystal, and the beauty of nature unsurpassed are revealed. The light vibration snowball fills and grows with beauty, knowing, purpose and love extraordinaire.  The “mythical” continents of Lyra, Lemuria, Mu and Atlantis, and perhaps places we have not known before, along with ancient deserts, savannahs, rainforests, mountains, seas locales fill the cells of knowing to stories. The formless light vibration snowball shifts along another wall of books and a dark cloud engulfs time. Emotions of pain, despair, anger swirl up from the pages. Faces distorted, male, female, young, old, well, sick, rich, poor play out within time/space, leaving their imprint within the snowball memory of loss, fear, abandonment and revenge. The imprint of varying places and timeframes are sealed in what will become the Soul Snowball.
The swirling light vibration continues around the library gathering more and more diverse scenarios of past earthly incarnations. Such changing roles as mother, father, children, holy and evil, protector, hangman, royalty, peasant, farmer, technician, artist, thinker, gypsy, and hermit, become a representation of life’s full gamut.   Places we know today as Greece, Mayaland, China, Middle East, Scotland, France, South Dakota, England, Australia to name but a few possibilities.
Each scenario could be as short as a moment, while others as long as an earthly lifetime, quietly build life story lines onto previous incarnations. They show completed stories, incomplete stories, personalities both complete and in turmoil. Some are of a lonesome journey, while others include many people and players. Family, friends, strangers, loving and hateful, powerful and weak, yet words of current languages are so far from being adequate or accurate to express all the wonders unfolding.
Upon completion of this light vibration snowball a merging of Divine Grace is infused to be held in suspension until called upon to incarnate in the next present time.
As you let the pictures and memories within you resonate to the surface similarities to your own life may be evident. Make notes; see patterns and stories from within to see what you are being shown about Life.
In the days to come the view will expand further. Keep revisiting and rediscovering!

First published on March 18, 2010 at

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