Friday, January 6, 2012

New Versions of Truth ** The Future is OURS!

Let's start 2012 out on the right note -  Politicians take note!

What is Truth?
Truth as defined by
Earthly Laws and Understandings is
Describable,     Definable    Explainable,    Deniable
And found outside of one’s Self and subject to the abuse of “authority”
The people of Earth are and have been “governed and guided” (very loosely used) by this form of Truth for thousands of years.
The results speak for themselves!
Truth as defined by
Universal and Divine Laws is
Indescribable       Indefinable     Unexplainable      Undeniable
And found within one’s Self and is subject to no lesser “authority”
Now, (3/2010) and in the times to come, (2012 and beyond) the strength and visibility of these Laws will increasingly reveal “mistruths and abuses” in order for people everywhere to claim their personal authority, consciousness and directions for new life, health, governing and corporate structures on Earth.


My Dear Readers,      Earthspiritjourneys
Thank you so much for your continued support in visiting and reading my ramblings, stories and hopefully wisdom learned! 2011 has been a good year in preparing us for this arrival....good, bad and indifferent!

This time of year is not joyful for so many as it is also a time to remember those loved who either passed from this life during the year or in year's earlier. How shallow the saying "those you loved are still with you" when all seen everyday is empty space near you. During these times of really transiting into what can be called "higher dimensions" we, each of us, are learning that what seemed impossible is indeed possible.

During times of reflection, perhaps really start talking and calling on those in Spirit, and perhaps most especially those you had real problems with. Ask them or write to them about why their anger, pain, abuse, whatever the situation you "experienced" ........use a photo if it is easier to focus.......allow your true feelings and expressions to surface......the ones that are usually ignored or not discussed in therapy!

But you ask....isn't that why one goes to therapy! Supposedly, yet from my experience with clients who have been in therapy for extended periods of time, a spoken or unspoken agreement has been struck between client and therapist to not discuss or push beyond certain points of topics, thus never going to the core for healing and most especially recognition and acknowledgment.

To move fully into the wonder of this Year 2012 it is necessary to not accept the past actions of status quo. In numerology 2012 = 5 =  change, flow, freedom, flexibility or rigidity, hitting the brick wall!
Nothing can change or be free and flowing if it is still bound, trapped, locked, buried, denied or rejected. This is true of those in Spirit World as well as the happenings in your physical world.
No New Year’s Resolution will have any power or depth if the way forward is still blocked.

Therefore, invite and ask those residing in the higher realms to freely and gently and truthfully Look through your Eyes, Feel through your Heart, Enlighten through your Soul and Forgive through the Physical to truly be able to embrace the potential of Year 2012 also The Chinese Year of the Dragon beginning January 22 and the long awaited promise of a New Earth manifesting.
In Eastern Astrology to Dragon is powerful, creative, passionate, engaging -  not the corrupted view set forth by Western religion of evil incarnate!

Reviewing the Past  
Recently I have been reviewing all of the past postings with the intent to create a book/eBook. I have been amazed as so much I have forgotten.The very first posting in March 2010 was about TRUTH – I believe it is quite appropriate to share once again.

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